
HoloBIM Construct-1

User friendly interface with BIM process.

- For demanding professionals:
• Architects, Developers
• Civil engineers, Contractors
• Cad designers, Technicians
- Verifies data accuracy via 3D virtualization

Calculates and produces the take-offs for: 

• Concrete and RC
• Insulation 
• Walls & bricks
• Doors & windows 
• Plasters 

Detailing outputs, reports and drawings (Sample project) Submit

Main features of HoloBIM Construct

• Architectural element detailing
• Structural frame detailing
• Analytical quantity take-offs & cost estimation
• Simplifies the 'As built' deliverable
• Virtual reality environment for enhanced training experience
  HoloBIM Construct
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  HoloBIM tutorial video
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2D & 3D Visual Input

The structural engineer can introduce the concrete building framework by graphically describing its real form or by specifying its coordinates. The output is simultaneously created in 2D and 3D drawings. In this way, possible mistakes during the description are easily detected and corrected.


Η γεωμετρία και η συνέχεια των χώρων ανιχνεύεται αυτόματα, οι τοίχοι προσαρμόζονται στο δομικό σκελετό, τα κουφώματα ‘γνωρίζουν’ την ακριβή θέση τους στο χώρο και η θερμομόνωση με τους σοβάδες αποτελούν φυσικές οντότητες του φορέα. The geometry and continuity of the spaces is automatically detected, the walls are adapted to the structural frame, the frames 'know' their exact position in space and the thermal insulation with the plasters are natural entities of the body.


All necessary cross sections can be generated upon request and all types of dimensions can be described through simple commands. The engineer may add critical info details on the cross section drawings (elevations, dimensions, etc.) in order to improve the quality of drawings.


HoloBIM Construct contains over 100 different wall types, for every case of building and environment. The engineer can modify them according to the needs of the building, or create a completely new type of wall, combining layers of materials.


Being dynamic elements, the walls can recognize their point of intersection with another wall, and automatically adjust the detail of their joining point. All structural elements are automatically adapted to any modification of the wall geometry.


HoloBIM Construct contains an extensive library of frames. Each type of door and window has its own properties so that it is easy to adapt to the needs of each study.


Any properties of the frame, for example the width of the opening or the height of the lintel or the thickness of the case or even the material of the sill, can be modified according to the needs of the study.


The dimensions of the structural and architectural elements are automatically adjusted when the thermal insulation is added. We can process the thermal insulation (material, thickness, etc.), per level of building, floor, and individual structural element.


We have the ability to create non-bearing slabs from Gross Beton. These slabs are pre-measured in detail, in order to calculate of the final construction cost.


Knowing in detail the geometry of each surface, HoloBIM can create the coating of the building in a matter of seconds. All measurements are updated automatically with each modification of the building plaster.


The description of the building is divided into 6 phases of construction: Framework, grossbeton, bricks, openings, plasters, final. WE can easily display each phase with the corresponding selection from the ‘tools’ menu.


All material quantities and labor costs are estimated per floor and per category of structural element.


Based upon present material and labor unit costs, the engineer can estimate the total cost of the project with accuracy.


The engineer can easily arrange all drawings in a single printout. Further to 2D framework drawings and cross sections, the engineer can also include 3D views and any other CAD drawing, image or picture.